Thank you for these truly beautiful and transcendent reflections/invitations. I read half last week then came back to finish and I’m so glad I did. What a gift. And those quotes, too. The broken-song tūī... “All the present knows is that the future is uncertain and the archive of rich existence is under attack. The end of a hard day leads not to rest but more darkness to fill up the eyes. So in this wash of queasiness I want to remind myself of last month’s permanent marker polemic: a shared humanity is our guide. Sometimes spiky but always shared; humanity as an immensity, a remembrance, a wide attention, a woven existence, beyond domination.” Just lovely... spiky, always shared. And that last quote about wanting to feel normal, that hurt/hit... felt like I could hear my brother’s notes inside it. I will make space to listen to that song you shared. Thank you. Xxx

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